Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chronic Pain Tips

In September 2012 I attended the Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center (PRC). It was a life-changing experience. The Mayo Clinic has done extensive research on Chronic pain and ways to alleviate it. In their search for solutions, they have collected information from all over the world. The PRC combines Eastern and Western medicine to give patients a personalized wellness program. The three-week intensive training program helps patients develop healthy habits that can benefit them for a lifetime.

The PRC teaches patients the effects of most medications on the body and what systems are affected. It covers NSAIDS, Acetaminophen, Opiates, Anti-psychotics, Muscle Relaxers, steroids and herbs. It also teaches the effects of legal and non-legal substances such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, etc.

This is not covered by most insurance companies, but it is well worth your time and money. Biofeedback is done by attaching electrodes to your body to measure breathing and muscle tone in specific muscle groups. It teaches patients how to control breathing, to breathe properly and how to relax the shoulders and neck muscles.

Positive and negative thinking:
By teaching Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), patients learn to change the way they view situations and think differently about whatever situation arises. Negative thoughts actually increase muscle tension and destructive hormones which in turn increases pain. Conversely, consistent positive thinking can lower stress levels, produce pain fighting hormones and actually change electrical pathways in the brain.

Deep breathing and relaxation:
Patients are taught how to decrease breaths per minute and take in the maximum amount of oxygen. Oxygenating the tissues decreases pain. Different relaxation techniques are taught using the imagination as well as visual and auditory devices.

Physical Therapy:
Each patient is assigned a physical therapist and given a specialized exercise and fitness plan. The goal is to strengthen muscles which decreases the likelihood of injury and stretch out tight muscles to alleviate muscle spasms. The plan patients take home is meant to be a daily exercise plan for years to come.

Yoga and Tai Chi:
By using a combination of sustained stretches and controlled breathing, patients can strengthen their muscles while increasing oxygen to the tissues and relaxing the body.

Endorphin releasing activities:
Every morning patients do morning stretches and light dancing to upbeat music to wake up the brain and feel happy. Patients are taught what endorphins are, the different kinds of hormones, how they make the body feel, and how to release them into the body.

Patients are taught to moderate their daily activities. People with Chronic pain usually push themselves to accomplish a task, and go until the pain prohibits them from continuing. Then, for the next few days, they can't do anything and need to take those days off to recover.Patients are taught that if they moderate their activities and just do a little bit each day, they actually accomplish more in the long run.

This blog will include teachings from all of these areas and include helpful links to medical articles, memes and relaxation devices. If you have previously been to the PRC, this will help you stay on the right path. If you haven't been, this will offer some of the things taught there and help you improve your life; positive thinking, exercise, deep breathing, eating right, releasing those feel-good hormones and most of all, RELAXATION!

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